Motivation can get some shit done. I won’t lie to you there.
It’s the reason why we all listen to music while we train (or at the very least, so we don’t have to hear other people chit chat).
Motivation makes things seem so easy and can have you wondering why things aren’t always like this. Then you have an off day and you’re reminded.
You also can’t watch the same motivational video and get the same reaction from the first time to the hundredth. You’re deconditioned.
Willpower can be tossed into the conversation because it’s a common excuse that people make as to why they can’t lose fat.
Willpower is bullshit.
It’s useless.
If you’re fighting yourself for every decision you have to make in order to change and achieve your goals, something needs to change.
It’s your approach.
You are likely either:
Argue with me all you like, it’s one of those four things.
Harsh? Maybe.
But I think harsh is what you need right now. A swift kick in the ass can do somebody good. I got mine when I had to buy bigger jeans because suddenly my waist didn’t fit.
When is it going to be your turn to achieve your goal. Use that discipline and create new sustainable habits for yourself. Do shit repeatedly and unapologetically because it’s your body and you only get one. Why settle when it only makes you unhappy?
Strive for more and be more.
You owe it to yourself.