
Who is Strong Jon?

I am Jon Vlahogiannakos, Since 2016, I’ve successfully coached men and women how to lose body fat the right way. I can teach you step-by-step how to do exactly the same thing. But first, I’m sure you’d like to hear my story — I’ll make it brief. I laugh when people assume I have always been in great shape.⁣ Not to be rude, but because it’s far from the truth.⁣⠀⁠ ⁣⠀⁠ 

I have always been an overweight guy. Between large iced cappuccinos, pizza, donuts, and chicken (one healthy thing, right?), I was never able to achieve the body I wanted.⁣⠀⁠ ⁣⠀⁠ 

I was not happy.⁣⠀⁠ ⁣⠀⁠ 

Like many Canadian kids, I grew up playing hockey and dreamed of making it to the NHL. But terrible eating habits were always a problem. I loved “junk food”! Ice cream…yummy! What could be better?⁣⁣⠀

But I knew being overweight was holding back my hockey career. So I tried to outwork my horrendous diet.

I tried working out 4 days a week on top of my busy hockey schedule and assumed I would just work it all off.⁣


It didn’t work.⁣⠀

I started reading everything I could about training and fat loss for hockey players, and it hit me.⁣⠀⁠ ⁣⠀⁠

I never really looked at how much I ate as something that held me back.⁣⠀⁠ ⁣⠀⁠ 

I dove into a National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) PT certification to cover the training aspect, and a Precision Nutrition (Pn1) certification to cover the nutrition aspect.⁣⠀⁠ ⁣⠀⁠ 

Both of these combined to transform not only my body but my clients’ bodies, as well.⁣⠀⁠ ⁣⠀⁠ 

I quickly applied my new knowledge to myself because it was time to finally make a change.⁣⠀

Fast forward to now: 2 kids, a wife, and a lifestyle shift with a more balanced approach.⁣⠀⁠ ⁣⠀⁠

I still eat pizza.⁣ I still eat cookies (more donuts now)⁠. Iced cappuccinos? Not so much but it’s because I prefer coffee straight now.⁣⠀⁠ ⁣⠀⁠ 

I do not live in the gym. In fact, I hate spending too much time on my workouts.⁣⠀⁠ ⁣⠀⁠

I get to enjoy outings with my family, whether it’s Taco Tuesday or a trip to a bakery.⠀⁠ ⁣⠀⁠ 

It is a guilt-free lifestyle that I have been able to maintain.⁣⠀⁠ ⁣⠀⁠ 

I love helping people find success in their own fitness journey.⁣⠀⁠ ⁣⠀⁠ 

It’s become my passion to help others see their fitness potential without worrying about supplements, fad diets, or other extreme measures that only work for 2 weeks at a time.

Don’t just take my word for it. Check some of these testimonials from my amazing clients below

Tiffany Ngai
03:43 21 Jan 22
As a mother of 3 kids under 4 years old, and working full time, working with Jon has been the best choice of my entire life. I have spent all my life being overweight and would only lose weight whenever I starved myself. With Jon's guidance, knowledge, experience, compassion, and direction, I have been able to develop a healthier relationship with food. I've also lost 65 lbs in the past 6 months with Jon as my online coach. He has kept me accountable and continues to challenge me to be the best version of myself. Jon's approach helps me with an eating plan, a workout routine plan, track my body stats, and do body comparison photos. I would never have been able to succeed as much as I have, without Jon. I owe my success to him. People who know me always tell me that I am the walking advertisement for Strong Jon Fitness, as no words are needed to explain how successful one can be if following Jon's program consistently. If you're ready to be a better version of u, Jon is the person for you!!
Douglas Fortin
18:55 19 Jan 22
It will be coming up on 2 years that Jon took me under his wing and agreed to help me make myself a better, leaner me.I had been off work due to my M.S. for almost 8 full years, and had fallen into more than sedentary lifestyle of sloth, packing on the pounds as I went along, and doing nothing as far as exercise or healthy eating.Fast forward those almost 2 years, and I have put quite a few of those pounds in the rear view mirror, while developing some real muscle and some even better eating habits.Jon is all about the information, and accomodation to his individual clients, so everyone gets what they need, without the worry of fitting in to particular mindset or workout.With a focus on nutrition and protein intake, and a "mere" three to four workouts planned a week, Jon insures that the goals of the individual are not only attainable, but sustainable. All possible even from the comfort of your own home, no gym visits necessary!!If you are looking to make changes in your life, changes for the better, and changes you can continue with, and without judgement with regards to speed in improvement, or slipping back, or minor lapses in your own judgement, I highly recommend Jon as your "go-to" guy of choice.
Tim Goodson
16:41 19 Jan 22
I've worked with Jon for almost 2 years now and let me tell you he was is a LIFE CHANGER. I work full-time I have a family and on top of all this I have Multiple Sclerosis. I was always kinda skeptical of the online coaching thing. I had been following Jon for 2 years to even inquiring about coaching. I was seeing his clients having success with his program and he was a all around good person. I was at a point in my life I had to make changes I just turned 36 I was 300 plus lbs and was not in a good place so I decided to look into Jons program. Fast forward NOW I'm down 70 plus lbs. It's not so much the losing weight part but I learned to make heathier decisions and feel good about myself. NO restrictive dieting and NO meal plans ?? That is big for me losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It's ok to eat a cookie or go out with your friends/family to eat. Jon makes losing weight apart of your EVERYDAY life and not just a fad or a 30 day thing. Jon understands the everyday person and how to work with you and your lifestyle.
Tamara Baldwin
16:26 19 Jan 22
I have been working with Jon (Strong Jon Fitness) for roughly 8 months and could not be happier about finding him as my trainer! Really takes the time to understand you, what your needs are and how to best to incorporate the workouts into daily life. Same for the macro count / nutrition component - changing a few eating habits for me has been way easier than I thought and his support along the way has been THE BEST! Checks in mid week and has a weekly check in form. Along with group FB page, it is like a you have him + an entire support team cheering you on 🙂 Highly recommend reaching out to him, you will be glad you did 🙂

Why I started strong jon fitness

That’s a little more about me, my fitness journey, and why I decided to create an online coaching company.

As far as what the future holds, I am focusing on continuing to help as many people as I can with this business but also level up to be the father, husband, and man I want to become.

I hope my story inspires you to follow your gut to better health and any other endeavors you put your mind to!

I’m in your corner if you need me.