Five Foolproof Ways To Avoid Gaining Weight Before The Holidays

It’s officially Fall. Halloween has passed us, American Thanksgiving and, God help us, CHRISTMAS are not far behind.

I know, I know. You’re still secretly hoping for one last beach day and you’re damned if you’re going to cover up the BBQ before it’s covered with three inches of snow. 

But let’s get real If you’re like most people, you’re thinking:

It’s time to layer up and hide the extra pounds.


But what if you didn’t have to necessarily hide anything? I know it’s common practice to bundle up each fall and winter and put on some padding around the midsection.


But it doesn’t have to be that way.


There are two ways you can approach the upcoming holiday season:


  1. Do the same thing you’ve done  every year and gain that holiday weight
  2. Change a few habits to maintain your weight or even lose a few pounds.


The second option sounds much more appealing, doesn’t it? Keep reading.


Around this time every year, you start eating more and moving less.


It’s cold out so you don’t feel like traveling to the gym. And 

you indulge more because you can hide it under layers of clothes.


Let’s approach this coming chilly season with a different approach to beat the holiday bulge.


  1. Plan, Plan, Plan Your Eating
    Plan out your meals based on your schedule. We are all creatures of habit. Don’t count on inspiration and good eating habits to happen automatically. Instead, eat more or less the same breakfast and lunch every weekday.  Save the variety and originality for snacks, dinners, and weekends.


  1. Be Flexible But Consistent 

Use flexible dieting, an approach that allows you to choose any food, as long as it fits into your overall calorie plan. Discard forever the simple-minded and mistaken idea of “good foods” and “bad foods.” 


  1. Be Mindful When Eating Out
    l almost guarantees you’re going to exceed  your days you eat out.  Compensate by  being mindful of what you’re eating earlier in the day . Most people overeat carbohydrates and fat because they are tastiest. Keep your protein high during the day and supplement that with plenty of vegetables to keep you full, while consuming fewer calories


  1. Maintain Your Exercise Routine
    Don’t cut back on your  exercise routine because it’s too cold out or you  have holiday party eating plans. This is a massive mistake. Not only are you increasing your food intake, you are  decreasing your activity level. This  will accelerate the weight gain over the holiday season. If you’re planning on a get together or a special occasion coming up, make sure you do your workout beforehand. Your metabolism stays high and your body can utilize some of the extra food towards  recovery and muscle-building.


  1. Don’t Go Crazy on Boozing It Up
    The holiday season and alcohol go hand in hand, and that’s okay. What’s not okay is the types and amounts of beverages you are consuming. There are some quick swaps you can make to help your intake. If you are a beer drinker, switch to light. If you enjoy liquor, use zero-calorie mixers like rum and diet cola or vodka and soda. Do not eat after you start drinking. You will lose track of what you’re consuming. Eat beforehand.

If you’ve tried and tried and failed each year to navigate the holiday madness and seen the extra pounds creeping on, I have something for you.


Imagine enjoying your time through the holiday season and not gaining a pound.

Imagine having your family members in shock and awe of your new body transformation.

Imagine a boost in confidence to actually mingle at the holiday parties.

Make it a reality with the click of a button. 

Apply for coaching here and get the results you’ve always wanted beyond 2023. 

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