How My Clients Get Results

It’s simple.

A fluid plan made specifically for you.

Random programs have no idea what your schedule is like.

They don’t know your food allergies, preferences, or dietary restrictions.

They don’t know if you have an injury or other physical ailments that can prevent you from certain exercises.

Most importantly, random programs cannot help you along the way and beyond the program itself.

Coaching has:

  • Compassion
  • Education
  • Personalization
  • Connection
  • Guidance
  • Support

Programs can’t give you all of that.

Coaching to help you through any situation that may arise during your journey.

You’re going to face roadblocks. The program can’t help you much.

Here’s the breakdown of how I have helped dozens of amazing people see incredible results.


Have you ever said your goals out loud?

Has anyone ever asked you what you like and don’t like doing in the gym?

How about taking the time to get to know you as a person and using that information to help you long term?

The assessment is a key tool that I use to ensure I am creating a personalized program for each individual I work with.

Not only that, there is a non exercise component so I have as much information as possible on that person.

Things like:

  • exercise history
  • dietary restrictions
  • injury history
  • health history
  • past experiences with exercise
  • current habits
  • current training (if any)
  • mindset and expectations

You see, long lasting results are more than just doing workouts and eating a certain way.

There needs to be a personalized approach which caters to everyone differently in order to set them up for success.

Deep diving into some history, shaping expectations, and ensuring we are on the same page from the get go makes the process exponentially smoother and leads to more results over time.



Have you ever tried a random program and had no idea how to complete the exercises?

Or maybe you weren’t sure if you were even doing them right?

This is what I strive to avoid for everyone I work with.

The program is built custom to you through and through.

We based it on your lifestyle, schedule, exercise history, physical capabilities, and goals.

Gone are the days of relying on random programs that don’t cater to you as a person.

A personalized program with me ensures that you are the focus of it all, not the person making the program.

Not only that, your goals will change over time. So instead of searching for new programs and trying to find something you like, you would tell your coach (me) what you wanted to accomplish and it would be made for you.

You can be as much or as little involved in the program making process as you like, but rest assured it is all created to bring you long lasting results.

The most disheartening thing I see is people quitting because they don’t know what to do or they’re frustrated and overwhelmed with all of the options.

I take all of the guesswork and frustration away from you so that all you have to worry about it is getting stronger, eating foods you love, and creating a sustainable lifestyle for yourself.



Something I have learned over the past little while is that experiences mean so much more than material items.

I would know, I used to have a pretty big shoe collection.

You can buy shoes, purses, clothes, jewelry, and most of the time it just sits there collecting dust.

But with an experience, you are in it and you feel it. You spend time enjoying what you just invested in and you don’t regret the purchase for a second (unlike that pair of bad decision boots). Working with me, that is my exact goal for you.

To provide an experience that you will enjoy each and every time.

Will some days and workouts be tougher than others? Absolutely. But the difference is you have me either in front of you or in your back pocket encouraging you and making things as seamless as possible.

I am not the drill sergeant trainer. Ask any of my clients.

Sure, the workouts get tough and you get pushed to new limits, but my goal isn’t just to destroy your body so you feel worse off than when you came in.

And even if you’ve never been to a gym before or touched a weight, I am there with you all the way. Some may look at me and assume I am this meathead type that wants to just put clients through the ringer, but it’s not the case.

I am human, just like you. I love the human interaction, just like you. And I want you to enjoy your time with me, even while working you butt off for the results you deserve.

You should also know that I am a lowkey foodie and want my clients to experience life the same way I would.

Going out for dinner? We have strategies so you can enjoy it to the fullest.

Going on vacation? Doesn’t mean your fitness goals will suffer because we plan around it.

Having an off day? I’m all ears.

The one on one experience is something that has lost steam over the last 3-5 years and I want to ensure you that it is still a main focus of mine.

Whether you work with me online or in person, you’re getting the real me each and every interaction. Ready to help you reach your fitness goals and maintain them for life.



How many times have you looked around the gym and had no clue what to do?

Or you downloaded a workout plan but are confused on how to do the exercises?

Ever been to the grocery store and feel overwhelmed by your options?

Enter my unlimited support approach for all of my clients.

Whether it’s the exercises tutorials in the app or you need to shoot me a quick message, you have me there.

Starting something new can be tough, especially if your goal is fat loss.

There is a heavy nutrition component and there is conflicting information everyone on the subject.

One quick message to me and I can help clear up any questions you have:

  • I’m not sure which dressing is better?
  • Fresh, frozen, or canned veggies?
  • Which brand is best?
  • Are these okay to eat?
  • All the squat racks are taken, can we substitute something else?
  • Am I doing this right?
  • Which protein bar should I get?

These are just some examples of the questions I’ve received for clients needing quick clarification.

With random programs or workout plans you don’t have someone to reach out to for guidance and support.

Not only that, there’s just something about encouragement when you are doing something well that just brings all the feels.

With the unlimited ongoing support, you are also required to do some self reflection each week which is an extremely powerful tool.

You will answer questions based on how you performed the previous week, and then we work together to ensure the next week is even better.

Accountability and support are the most powerful aspects of working with me. I help you every step of the way until you are comfortable and confident you can maintain it on your own.


If you haven’t hired a coach before, I highly suggest you do. Especially if you’re really serious about accomplishing your goals.

I’ve had personal trainers, online coaching, and business coaching so I can attest to the power of it’s effectiveness.

You are worth investing in yourself.


Whenever you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Join the FIT PARENT SQUAD Facebook group and connect with others who are losing weight, boosting their energy and confidence too.

It’s my new Facebook community where people like you learn how to drop inches without crash dieting or extreme measures – Click Here

2. Join the FIT PARENT BLUEPRINT. This is how you can work with me to lose up to 20lbs in 12 weeks. Click here to book a call to see if you’re a good fit.

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