Lose Weight Without Sacrificing Family Time

If you’re like me, you love your kids and family, but that doesn’t mean you want to spend all of your time with them.

We all have things we want to accomplish, hobbies we want to pursue, and dreams that we want to achieve. There are also a lot of people out there who try to lose weight only to fail because they chose methods that require a lot of time or sacrifice.

If this is you, DON’T throw in the towel yet! I’ve spent years studying weight loss and burnout. Let’s be honest: it IS tough trying to lose weight, especially if you have a family or a full-time job. (And I feel like most people who struggle with their weight do.)

The trick? Find healthy ways of eating that don’t require tons of extra time, money, or dedication. This is how I help my clients get results with my Fit Parent Blueprint coaching program.



You are busy and you completely forgot to meal prep.

It happens.

It’s not the end of the world. And it’s also not a reason to eat donuts for breakfast.

Starting your day off with a high sugar food lacking micronutrients is only going to leave you hungry and wanting more of the same.

In saying that, you also don’t want something super high fat like a sausage and egg McMuffin. That super high fat sandwich is going to have you feeling lethargic and not very effective at work.

Instead, opt for something with a high enough protein count (minimum 20g), something less than 15g of fat, and around 20g of carbs.

While the macro breakdown seems similar, the calories from fat are a little higher than the carbs but not so high you feel crappy and bloated.

My go to breakfast:

  • 200g of Greek yogurt
  • 1 scoop whey protein
  • 1 instant pack of instant oatmeal
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter

Also, drink a TON of water. Especially first thing in the morning. You just went 7-9 hours without it, replenish.

Starting your day off with protein is one of the easiest and most satisfying wins you can give yourself each day. Increasing your protein intake across all of your meals can be tough, I understand. But it’s not impossible.

Breakfast seems to be one of the most difficult. Either because we don’t want to cook, we don’t know what foods to have, or we are used to eating carbs and fats instead (hello donuts, muffins, and croissants).

Regardless, making sure you get at least 20g of protein in at breakfast is a perfect way to solidify that you will hit your protein target throughout the day.

You are creating the habit of having protein at each meal and you are starting with your first.

More benefits of protein focused meals:

  • stay fuller for longer compared to a bagel, donut. or a bowl of cereal
  • help your muscles recover and grow
  • less likely to feel like snacking in the late morning
  • not have to try and cram in 100g of protein at dinnertime

Remember, protein is key for muscle building and recovery but also helps make fat loss that much easier. When we’re in a deficit, our body needs to get energy from somewhere and the last place you want it to take from is your muscles.

Protein is muscle-sparing so if you’re not training as much but want to keep your muscle, you need to make sure you’re getting a minimum of 0.8g/lb of BW in protein daily. That’s 160g for a 200lb person.

Also note the serving sizes. One egg is not enough. Have 3 or 2 and some egg whites to get the necessary amount of protein to actually help you with your end goals. If you get 20-40g of protein at breakfast, you have less to worry about as your day goes on. Ideally, you want to spread your intake at about 30-40g 4-5 times per day – depending on your goals and size.



Everyone has their own reasons for wanting to exercise—from losing weight to getting stronger. But how do you actually get yourself to stick to your workout routine?
When trying to kickstart a new routine, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. Instead of just diving in and hoping for the best, we recommend taking some time to set yourself up for success. Here are a few ways you can make sure your exercise routine is as effective as possible:
1. Make sure you’re exercising in the right way. If you’re not prepared physically, or if you’re doing exercises that don’t help you reach your goals, then you’re probably going to get discouraged and quit. Take some time to figure out what kind of exercise works for your body and what kind of results you want. Not everything works for everyone, so make sure you’re working out in a way that keeps you motivated.
2. Create a workout plan that fits into your schedule. It’s hard to stick with something if it doesn’t work well with your life. Before committing to any new fitness routine, make sure that it’s something that will fit into your daily schedule and won’t leave too much room for error if things change unexpectedly (which they often do).
3. Think quality, not quantity. You may want to jump in and try to do 5-7 workouts per week and feel they need to be an hour long – not the case. If you just have 20 minutes a few times per week and they are quality, that will help you make progress without feeling like it makes life even harder to balance.


One of the reasons my clients and I are able to stay on track with macros and calories are the snack choices readily available whether on the go or at home.
I’m going to start by saying:
1) I would much rather have “whole foods” than snack all day
2) Just because they are in a wrapper, does not mean they’re bad for you
3) Convenience is not inherently a bad thing
As a coach, athlete, husband, father, and business owner, I am constantly doing something. Don’t you feel like sometimes you can’t even get a minute to yourself? You don’t have time to sit down and have home cooked meals, and you don’t have the money to buy fast food all the time either (nor do you want to)
Snacks like the ones listed below are are tasty, high in protein, and some of them are also high in fibre. Having a snack mid morning or afternoon will also help you from binging at your next meal!
  • Protein bars
  • 1-2 scoops protein powder (for smoothies)
  • Mini flavoured tuna cans/packs
  • Hardboiled eggs (maybe too stinky for the office)
  • Nonfat Greek yogurt
  • Beef jerky
One thing to keep in mind is that you want 20g of protein minimum in each meal. Think 2-3 eggs instead of 1 or 200g of Greek yogurt instead of 1/2 cup.
You can keep your calories the exact same, hit your protein targets daily and remove some carbs/fats, and you will notice a difference in your body over time.
I guarantee it.
Remember, your calories are the most important part of the fat loss equation, but protein is a close second.  How your carbs and fats fall into place is not as important. Let’s shift your focus and make it a point to hit your protein targets each and every day.
If you’re planning your meals ahead of time and building each meal around a protein source of a minimum 20g, while hitting your calories, you are going to see some fast changes as your program continues on.


Whether you’re looking to lose a few pounds or a lot, the most important thing is that you plan to do it in a way that won’t negatively affect your family. Here are some strategies that can help you build a healthy lifestyle without sacrificing family time.
Time is precious when you’re a parent, so it’s important to make the most of every minute. Make meal planning part of your weekly routine with your kids and try putting them on the calendar so everyone knows what to expect. It will help avoid last-minute stress and ensure everyone gets something they like—and that’s good for everyone!
When it comes to exercise, get creative and think outside the box. Take the dog for a walk, play basketball with your kids in the driveway, go swimming at the local pool—all of these things can help keep you active and make it fun for everyone.
There’s no right way to do this. If you have an hour every night before bedtime when you can work out on your own, then do it! If not? That’s okay too. What matters most is that you find what works best for your schedule and stick with it.
 Above all else, remember that it can and will take time. Losing weight or getting healthier will not happen overnight. Setting realistic expectations of yourself and your family in the beginning is important, so you’re not expecting incredible results after just a week (though this is certainly possible if you truly dedicate yourself to your new lifestyle). 
By setting healthy goals and working together as a family, you can easily achieve a healthier lifestyle without sacrificing too much of your precious family time.


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